It’s pretty hard to believe that it’s only been three months since HP pulled the plug on official support on webOS and shut down its cloud services. Yet with the arrival of August, the loyal base of webOS developers and enthusiasts who have stuck around will likely be seeing the ninth stable release of LuneOS in the very near future.
Despite having been churning out stable builds for less than a year, the webOS Ports team’s LuneOS is already proving to be a very capable candidate to fill the void left behind by webOS. Read on past the jump, and we’ll examine how the latest LuneOS, Cafe Cubano, measures up to its predecessor.
If you like shuffling cards, then webOS is the mobile OS for you and maybe Poker is your game. Here’s webOS developer, Eric Blade combining both interests at the world series of Poker.
He finished 2189 out of 22,374 at his first attempt. The top 10%!
So, you’re a pivotCE reader. You have an interest in webOS & LuneOS. You probably have a device – maybe two or three. Some people have spares for backup, others actual collections. But how much of a webOS nut are you? This much?
UPDATE: Grabber5.0 has fixed GMail in the same manner that Yahoo was fixed. Check the forum post for the 3 certificate files you need. You can ignore pretty much everything about forwarding emails below but I’ll leave it there in case someone wants to know how to do that.
Grab the zip from the above linked post, unzip the 3 .pem files, transfer them to the webOS device, and open each one by one and accept the certificate. Refresh your GMail account in the Email app and BOOM. FIXED! YAY!
I’ve had it. Break YouTube and we’ll fix it, kill Skype and we’ll throw a fit and get it turned back on, but take GMail away? SERIOUSLY? It’s a deal breaker. I’ve had the same email address for over a decade. If it doesn’t work on webOS then I quite honestly cannot live without it. YES THE MOBILE VIEW WORKS but who else here is sick of a browser workaround (ie. Facebook)?? I mean, the browser isn’t exactly winning awards for innovating technology these days, amirite?
When powered on, a ‘new’, reset or doctored webOS device will attempt to contact HP’s servers to allow a user to log in to an existing Palm Profile account or create a new one. In the past, this allowed access to the app catalog and other services such as cloud backup & remote wipe.
Now, the HP servers are gone. You can read articles on these pages about the various community fixes for issues that have arisen over the years and how to set up the device and install apps. But if starting afresh, you’ll hit an apparent brickwall: webOS wasn’t designed to skip the activation if contact isn’t made. Palm naturally assumed that everyone would want to download apps & use the services, so the machine waits for contact, advising the user to check the connection or contact HP.
The webOS Ports team has been developing LuneOS for a long time now. It started after HP released webOS as an open source project in December of 2011. With monthly updates the LuneOS project now hosts a ton of awesome features as it draws nearer and nearer to daily driver status.
I wrote about testing apps for LuneOS several months ago. The TLDR version is there aren’t many current Enyo (think webOS 2.x and up) based apps that work with LuneOS. There are a LOT of Mojo (think webOS 1.x) apps for webOS out there but when HP open sourced webOS, Mojo was not included so that’s a no-go for LuneOS too. Bummer.
Will there be apps for LuneOS when it does reach daily driver abilities? Where will the apps come from?