Tag Archives: LuneOS

webOS Talk at VCF East

The Vintage Computing Federation hold a number of events. This year’s VCF East festival will be of interest to fans of webOS phones, tablets and other computing devices of the past.

The festival is held at the InfoAge Science Center, 2201 Marconi Rd., Wall, New Jersey, 07719 and runs over three days from the 12th to 14th of April. The festival includes three elements:

For readers of this blog, representation of webOS devices will be in two of those areas. Jon W of the webOS Archive is attending over the weekend and will give a 50 minute talk at 900am on Saturday the 13th. The consignment shop will have a small selection of webOS devices for those who are interested.

So if you are in the area, why not go along?

If you can’t make it, you can follow along via the VCF video channel and TouchPads are available remotely at Tindie

Discussion is at the VCF East forum thread. You can read more about the InfoAge museum.

Picture Credit: Apc106, Wikimedia Commons.

LuneOS February Stable release: Eiskaffee

Sooo that was a really long time since a release, but webOS Ports are still around and active as ever!

We have continued making updates and producing testing images. But a lot happened that resulted in us not putting out a proper release out in the past few years.

Those who have stayed in touch with the community will know there has been some turmoil with the closure of the webOS Nation forums last year. Things stabilised over the last year as people converged around the webOS Archive and made plans on the associated Discord server. Much of the old information from webOS Nation was preserved thanks to the internet archive and can still be accessed, if imperfectly. We have now set up a new community forum that largely replicates the old layout and is ready for fresh content.

If you are eager to find out what we’ve been working on and to try out the new release, read on…

Continue reading LuneOS February Stable release: Eiskaffee

LuneOS: Help Wanted 2024

The webOS community may be a bit smaller these days but it’s no less devoted to the platform. WebOS Ports is a small team of developers. As you can imagine, it is a few people to maintain a full OS that consists of thousands of components. Things are starting to come together for LuneOS, with the current major rebase and stable release. But we still need your help.

As nice as it is to have some additional folk contributing, developing, and working on issues, we still need more developers to get involved to make this community project really take off.

Our focus is core functionality”

We cannot stress enough that we are building an OS focused on core app integration that is simple, beautiful, and user-centric. Right now, function comes first. If we had a penny for every developer that knew some web code and could make a beautiful static mock-up of an app that didn’t do a thing in the backend and then said “I did my part, it’s up to you to make it work”…well, we’d have a lot of pennies.

Developer requirements

Once core app integration happens we will need HTML/CSS smart people. But to be an asset to the team, you need to have a good grasp on any or all of these technologies:

  • Javascript
  • C
  • node.js
  • C++
  • QML
  • Qt
  • Yocto
  • Graphics design

Are you decent at some of these, but might need help from time to time? That’s fine!  We’re a community, remember?  Hit up the IRC and/or Telegram channel and ask!

Get the bugs out!

We have several applications already available but many are placeholders or have basic functionality. Some of the apps are almost fully functional like Settings. But even Settings has bugs and can use refinement.  OK there are bugs everywhere! (If only it were as easy as a can of Raid to fix them)!  We’ve received lots of questions about how to get plugged into the project quickly.  Easy! Head over to our Issue Tracker to see current issues. Find an area where you think you can help and then find us on IRC or Telegram (see below) to talk about it.

Some examples of areas that need bug fixing are:

  • Email: Some minor bug fixes
  • Settings: Add Settings when needed
  • Phone: Further polishing
  • Calendar: Google C+Dav integration needs updating to adopt for Google’s changes
  • Browser: Rework UI to be more webOS/LuneOS like
  • And more.

Core Apps/Features/Backend magic

The Open webOS project released several core applications that were Enyo1 based.  These apps are in LuneOS

  • Messaging: Needs a rework or rewrite to give proper functionality similar to legacy webOS
  • PDF needs converting to QML.
  • LuneOS also needs a media player app (maybe reuse/rework the webOS OSE app for this?).
  • The C+Dav connector is there, but it needs updating for various changes by Google. It also needs testing for other providers.
  • Additional IM connectors would be good to implement (Telegram, Signal) etc, there are existing plugins exist for Pidgin/libpurple that can be used.

Looks aren’t everything

As you can see, to really make stuff work first, most of what we need is in the backend.  It’s the old battle between form and function. Which comes first?  Designers will argue form!  But Ports is focused on the core functionality that has to work first and look pretty later. It’s a hard pill to swallow and we get that, but when building an OS, it’s the most important thing. If it looks pretty but doesn’t work, the project loses potential users. If it works but doesn’t look pretty it will at least show promise and that encourages positive feedback. And with a community led project, if you don’t have good feedback you’ve already lost.

Additional help wanted

Ports is looking to expand our public relations presence. If you are located outside of the United States or more specifically speak a different language than English and would like to help us advertise and direct interested people toward LuneOS and WebOS Ports, please let us know.

We are also looking for a WordPress “expert” for a new site we’ll be setting up soon. Are you good at making tutorials?

We have several “How to install LuneOS guides” on the wiki. If you’d like to make friendly guides, that’d be great!

And finally, we need a “wiki-meister”. Someone that really knows the ins and outs of running a mediawiki!

Get involved

Everyone can help in some way. We need testers and bug reports! Sign up on the WebOS-Ports Issue Tracker, contact us to let us know that you signed up and what your username is, and we’ll upgrade your account so you can post issues.

Developers please join us on Telegram and/or drop by the IRC channel

How to Contact WebOS Ports

Want to get involved? Have a question? Get in touch with us.

Twitter: @webosports
IRC (Libera): #webos-ports

Telegram: LuneOS Developer Community
Issue Tracker: WebOS-Ports Issue Tracker
webOS Forum User Support Forums
Join the forum conversation.

Sunset of the webOS Nation Forums

(UPDATE: The webOS Nation disappeared from the web on Friday the 13th, 2023)

It appears Future Publishing US have decided to “Sunset” the WebOS Nation forums. This term could mean anything from ceasing product support, through archiving to full closure. Whatever the term means in this case, the process is due to begin in early January.

pivotCE was originally created some years ago to fill the gap in webOS news when webOSNation.com stopped publishing stories, but the forums continued until this day. Many of pivotCE’s stories were originally sourced from the forum. Both parts of webOS Nation contain a wealth of data and history about the webOS project and it’s successors. It’s hoped that this information can be preserved in some way.

If you have a comment or can offer help, head over to the thread.

You may want to consider joining the discord instance at the webOS Archive.

LuneOS October Stable release: Eggnog Latte

Happy Halloween! The long wait is finally over #LuneOS and #webOS fans! We’re back with a new release called “Eggnog Latte” which is a milestone in terms of developments and paves the way forward!

So you’re wondering what we’ve been up to since our previous stable release at the end of last year?

Continue reading LuneOS October Stable release: Eggnog Latte