Tag Archives: LuneOS

LuneOS Cafe Cubano: An In-Depth Look

It’s pretty hard to believe that it’s only been three months since HP pulled the plug on official support on webOS and shut down its cloud services. Yet with the arrival of August, the loyal base of webOS developers and enthusiasts who have stuck around will likely be seeing the ninth stable release of LuneOS in the very near future.

Despite having been churning out stable builds for less than a year, the webOS Ports team’s LuneOS is already proving to be a very capable candidate to fill the void left behind by webOS. Read on past the jump, and we’ll examine how the latest LuneOS, Cafe Cubano, measures up to its predecessor.

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Where Will LuneOS Get Its Apps?


The webOS Ports team has been developing LuneOS for a long time now. It started after HP released webOS as an open source project in December of 2011. With monthly updates the LuneOS project now hosts a ton of awesome features as it draws nearer and nearer to daily driver status.

I wrote about testing apps for LuneOS several months ago. The TLDR version is there aren’t many current Enyo (think webOS 2.x and up) based apps that work with LuneOS. There are a LOT of Mojo (think webOS 1.x) apps for webOS out there but when HP open sourced webOS, Mojo was not included so that’s a no-go for LuneOS too. Bummer.

Will there be apps for LuneOS when it does reach daily driver abilities? Where will the apps come from?

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C+Dav Synergy Connector Updated for webOS

webOS Synergy Accounts
webOS Synergy Accounts

webOS Nation’s forums user and webOS Ports team member, Garfonso, has updated the C+Dav Synergy Connector for webOS to version 0.3.31.

CalDav and CardDav are now the standards with the broadest server support for syncing calendars and contacts. And thanks to his and webOS Ports’ efforts it works for legacy webOS AND LuneOS too.

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Preserving webOS apps

Yesterday, webOS day saw the ninth testing release of LuneOS, but it was also the first anniversary without the servers and app catalog. The future looks promising, but we are on our own now. Most of us backed up our apps before the shutdown, but it should be remembered that the original announcement only went out to developers. Since the 15th of April a number of users have appeared whose devices have reset and are stuck at the account activation screen. Having bypassed this obstacle, they will then find their accounts and apps will not automatically restore. For them and to have a reasonable portfolio of apps for LuneOS, steps are being taken to encourage developers to make their apps available in alternative channels. Some have added to the webOS Nation app gallery, others are hosting installation packages on their own websites or code repositories.

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LuneOS June Stable Release: Café Cubano

We’re very pleased to present you our latest monthly stable release, Café Cubano or “Cubano” in short.

The key highlights for this month are the virtual keyboard & bug fixes! We’ve been focusing heavily on the virtual keyboard after last month’s orientation support implementation.

The old keyboard had been bugging us and our users for quite some time already, so we decided to get started. We have taken webOS 3.0.5, LunaCE and Open webOS virtual keyboards as inspiration.

For tablet layouts we have now done the following:

  • Added an additional row with numbers.
  • Added a trackball like in LunaCE.
  • Added support for multiple keyboard sizes (XS, S, M and L).
  • Added alternate keys while long pressing a key (indicated by …) so you can get é ë è etc while holding e.
  • A large number of UI tweaks to make it look very similar to the legacy webOS 3.0.x virtual keyboard.

For phone layouts we have done the following:

  • Created a complete new layout inspired by the virtual keyboards as it was included in Open webOS and featured on webOSNation.

This is currently only available for the English keyboard layout. We will work on the layouts for the other languages in the near future, as well as further fine tuning of the various keyboard layouts and features!

We also have been reworking the update mechanism to allow updating nightly releases.

Grab your Nexus 4, HP TouchPad, Nexus 7 (2012 WiFi) or emulator and load up our latest builds!

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