Android chroot

Android in a card!
Android screen grab: Nikolay Nizov

Root is the base level directory on a Linux system. webOS is at base, a Linux system. All branches of the file system and therefore the whole system stem from the root. Android is also a Linux based system that runs from a root directory. There is a technique known as chroot (change root) that enables you to run a second system within another by creating a subsystem in which the secondary system appears to have the root directory.

If you pay much attention to the shifts and changes in the mobile phone market, you will be aware that over the past couple of years there has been increasing consolidation. These days the market is dominated by Apple’s iphone and most of all, by the many models running the Android operating system. This system – at least in its basic form is open source software. Naturally, many developers therefore take advantage of this ‘off the shelf’ operating system. New entrants and existing challengers in the market have tried to leverage Android and specifically, it’s large app catalogue to gain an advantage. This includes Blackberry, Jolla (sailfishOS) and there are reports that even Microsoft are considering a means to run Android apps on Windows phone. There are also projects that offer existing Android users the opportunity to install a customised version. The most notable of these is Cyanogenmod, which can now be installed on a wide range of hardware.

Continue reading Android chroot

ACL Release – Part 2

ACL for webOS is back! The first release having been pulled back in December, issues around GPL code have hopefully now been resolved and release number 1.2.0 is available for Kickstarter backers and those who pre-ordered.

You should note that PIC advise doctoring your Touchpad prior to install, so having downloaded and secured the precious package, you might want to hold off and backup your device properly before proceeding to doctor and install your new toy.

It seems a full public release has not yet happened, but you can expect a review soon here on pivotCE. Check the new thread for this release on the webOS Nation forum or tell us your experiences in the comments below.

I don’t care about webOS on TVs

I’ve really been struggling about how to cover LG webOS and their SmartTV news lately. pivotCE isn’t my personal blog so I want to make sure that what I cover aligns with what webOS fans are eager to read about. And while I want to write about webOS, I haven’t been able to bring myself to draft up the news about LG and their TVs.  It’s taken me this long to even sit down and put my thoughts together.

LG recently showcased their version of webOS running on TVs at AppsWorld in San Francisco. They hosted several talks on Enyo and app development for their new flagship SmartTV OS. All well and good, yeah? I mean, I love Enyo and am very appreciative of LG giving webOS a chance, so why have I been in such a funk?  Then it hit me…I don’t care about webOS on TVs.  

Continue reading I don’t care about webOS on TVs

webOS News, Tips, and Tricks