Tag Archives: News Crumbs

News Crumbs – 3rd December 2014

Ah! There’s nothing like the aroma of freshly baked news to draw the readers in!

  • MojoWhatsup gets an update. It seems that Whatsapp will be implementing end to end security. It remains to be seen what impact this will have on the webOS homebrew app.
  • If you are trying to convince yourself that you really need a new TV this month, then you may be able to reduce any buyer’s remorse by checking reviewed.com‘s list of 2014’s best, topped by the 55EA9800 from LG (who also made the runner up).
  • As promised, the latest version of webOS Quick Install has arrived. Updates for the Preware domain change, Novacom drivers & LuneOS support are all included.
  • In a matching update, Preware feeds have been refreshed, so you should now see the apps added to the webOS Nation app gallery over the last few weeks. Automated updates have just been fixed too.
  • Looking to the future, take a look at this prototype app catalogue from forum user and app developer, Warlord9159.
  • Finally, don’t panic if you are here looking for the next stable LuneOS build. It has so many major updates that the whole stability thing is taking a little longer.

Don’t forget all the above accept donations (A large & mandatory one in the case of the TV). Even pivotCE could do with the occasional crust.

News Crumbs 16 November 2014

So much has been happening lately, it’s hard to tell what’s a crumb, crisis or great news! Here is a selection:

With this many crumbs, it’s clear that webOS is very far from being brown bread.

News Crumbs – 4th September 2014

There’s been a lot of big news in the last week, so time for a quick clean out!

  • Some app updates went through HP’s admin last week. We know there are a couple more in the pipeline. Thanks to all the developers still supporting webOS. Expect reviews soon on pivotCE.
  • Platform game, Orcrest has new levels. See the pivotCE article here.
  • What’s Shaking is a must for earthquake… er fans?
  • Zap Photo Share let’s you share photos and slideshows across the wifi network. Why hand your phone around when you can beam to a bigger screen?
  • Lithium Messenger is an assistant for messaging, posting & tweeting. Expand words, add emoticons, pics, videos, shorten links, even translate! Is there a news crumbs mode? Maybe in the next update.
  • LG posted photos of Dev camp 2014. Owners of webOS TVs eagerly await the results of their efforts.
  • Meanwhile we were concerned to hear that two of the top designers had moved to Pebble. Will this affect the progress of webOS? We hope not.
  • Further disappointment came from This article from Gigaom.com, claiming that all is not well in LG’s Sillicon Valley Lab. Some disputed the fairness on twitter and webOS Nation. Have a read and decide for yourself.

I hope you enjoyed that, I fancy a nice grilled pannini to go with my affogato.

News Crumbs – 9th August 2014.

There’s not been much popping up from the toaster lately, but there are still a few crumbs to sweep out.

  • gizmo21 reported that AVforums had awarded LGwebOs reference status – a quality level for other Smart TV platforms to aim at.
  • I thought this happened ages ago, but it seems only Marc Aurelian over at webOS France was paying attention! Fin de support de webOS, Blackberry et Symbian par Phonegap. The end of phonegap support for webOS, Blackberry & Symbian. (en français, naturellement!). This is not necessarily a huge problem as discussed here: Phonegap depreciates webOS.
  • Project Macaw updated to version 1.5.4. Find it in Preware, but remember if you want to try this Twitter client for the first time, you need to add the special feed…
  • LG’s connect SDK has also had a version update. No, it doesn’t quite work on Legacy webOS, but if you want to make apps that interact with webOS TV’s it’s a must. The new technology in LuneOS means future support is a possibility…
  • Finally, the conclusion to an odd part of webOS history: The Chubby Checker court case. The comments section of the article contains all the jokes you are likely to need on this matter.

I suddenly fancy a hot muffin…

News Crumbs – 15th June 2014.

Here are some news crumbs we found when cleaning out the webOS toaster: