There’s not been much popping up from the toaster lately, but there are still a few crumbs to sweep out.
- gizmo21 reported that AVforums had awarded LGwebOs reference status – a quality level for other Smart TV platforms to aim at.
- I thought this happened ages ago, but it seems only Marc Aurelian over at webOS France was paying attention! Fin de support de webOS, Blackberry et Symbian par Phonegap. The end of phonegap support for webOS, Blackberry & Symbian. (en français, naturellement!). This is not necessarily a huge problem as discussed here: Phonegap depreciates webOS.
- Project Macaw updated to version 1.5.4. Find it in Preware, but remember if you want to try this Twitter client for the first time, you need to add the special feed…
- LG’s connect SDK has also had a version update. No, it doesn’t quite work on Legacy webOS, but if you want to make apps that interact with webOS TV’s it’s a must. The new technology in LuneOS means future support is a possibility…
- Finally, the conclusion to an odd part of webOS history: The Chubby Checker court case. The comments section of the article contains all the jokes you are likely to need on this matter.
I suddenly fancy a hot muffin…
RT @pivotCE: News Crumbs – 9th August 2014.: There’s not been much popping up from the toaster lately, but… #webOS
RT @pivotCE: News Crumbs – 9th August 2014.: There’s not been much popping up from the toaster lately, but… #webOS
RT @pivotCE: News Crumbs – 9th August 2014.: There’s not been much popping up from the toaster lately, but… #webOS
RT @pivotCE: News Crumbs – 9th August 2014.: There’s not been much popping up from the toaster lately, but… #webOS