Skype shutting down 3rd-party apps in December

skypeEngadget is reporting that Skype (read Microsoft) is rewriting the aging API for renewed focus on mobile platforms.  What does that mean for webOS users and our beloved Synergy Skype integration?  Well, we don’t really know just yet.  What we do know is that M$ has a history of killing support for things it no longer deems worthy of support.  The long list includes Windows Phone 7.  That does not bode well for we the users of webOS and our integrated Skype support.  Should the unthinkable happen and our front-facing-camera-having TouchPads and Pre3s no longer retain Skype access one can only hope the webOS community comes to the rescue to once again save ourselves from an early and altogether too-soon demise.  Here’s hoping.  For now, enjoy it while you have it.  Further bulletins as they develop!


Deal – 2 Coupons from PIC and OpenMobile

It looks like OpenMobile is offering a $5 off code on their Twitter and Phoenix International Communications is offering a $10 off code on their store for entering your email address. Unfortunately, you can’t combine them but if you buy two licenses seperately (add one to cart, checkout, repeat) you can save $15!

Continue reading Deal – 2 Coupons from PIC and OpenMobile

About: pivotCE

pivot_article_finalWelcome to the community edition of Pivot magazine. Pattyland & Alan Morford have suggested that I re-purpose the webOS status report to provide some content for pivotCE.

The original thread was started because I wanted an overview of what was happening in the world of webOS. It is little more than a list of known webOS related projects & resources. The feedback from the knowledgeable people at webOS Nation lengthened & clarified the list considerably. While the list is hopefully informative, it’s not really a ‘good read’. I thought I would try something a little more ambitious here by attempting to expand items from the list into short articles.

So where to begin? I think I will start with the nearest subject: This magazine, pivotCE.  Read on!

Continue reading About: pivotCE

Contest – Halloween/webOS 2013

Update: This contest is over! Stay tuned while we pick a winner…

It’s time for Halloween and our first contest here at pivotCE! Alan Morford's pivotCE Pumpkin

The rules are easy: Make something about Halloween and webOS!  Take a picture and send it to or put it on Twitter with #webOSzombie!

We will put our favorites here on and pick a winner of a $10 Gift Card for Google Play, the biggest source of apps for your TouchPad with ACL for webOS!

Continue reading Contest – Halloween/webOS 2013

HP attempts to sell Palm patents – again.

Yesterday we heard a rumour from Bloomberg news that Hewlett Packard was seeking buyers for some of its mobile IP, very possibly including the patent portfolio it acquired from Palm Inc.

Of course, this is not the first time HP has attempted to make this sale, but it is suggested that certain restrictive conditions have been removed to make the patents more appealing to buyers.

Quite what this implies for the future of webOS is unclear at this time. There is an Open source version of webOS in the hands of community members and LG continues to develop their TV system. LG in fact would probably be the preferred buyer for all of us as they seem to have some faith in the system and are a significant player in the mobile sphere. There is however, no evidence that they have any interest in developing webOS as a mobile operating system.

If you enjoy predicting the future, speculating on possibilities or prophesying doom, leave your comment below.

The webOS Nation thread is here.

Source: Hewlett-Packard Said to Be Seeking to Sell Mobile Patents – Bloomberg

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