Guide: How to Fix YouTube for webOS 2.x

UPDATE: Stop what you’re doing and check out LuneTube. It doesn’t integrate into webOS for links yet but it’s developing very nicely as a YouTube client for webOS and LuneOS!

As for the fix below, it still works but the suggested YouTube site links per device are now only showing RTSP feeds. Bad quality! The patched app and patch itself still work for better quality but only if you hit the 3 dot menu on the upper right of the mobile site and select Desktop. It’s a bit harder to see but the videos play with normal quality. Also, going to the desktop view immediately puts the cursor in the search bar so once the page loads, just start typing for what you want. If you scroll first or tap the search bar you’ll get the annoying bug where typing jumps up to the URL bar in the browser.

This fix for YouTube is for 2.x devices only. I have tried it on 1.x but it didn’t work. Logs show “Error: service request: “” was not found. Smart people feel free to figure that one out! I know I’ll be grateful since I do like to use my Pixi from time to time.

I have installed this fix onto a Pre3 with 2.2.4, a Pre 2 with 2.2.4, a Veer meta’d to 2.2.4, and a Pre+ meta’d to 2.1.0. Other 2.x versions should work fine but your results may vary. To clarify though, if you’re on a stock 2.2.4 doctor for Pre3 or Pre2…just install the patch from TheOneill.

Continue reading Guide: How to Fix YouTube for webOS 2.x

C+Dav Synergy Connector Updated for webOS

webOS Synergy Accounts
webOS Synergy Accounts

webOS Nation’s forums user and webOS Ports team member, Garfonso, has updated the C+Dav Synergy Connector for webOS to version 0.3.31.

CalDav and CardDav are now the standards with the broadest server support for syncing calendars and contacts. And thanks to his and webOS Ports’ efforts it works for legacy webOS AND LuneOS too.

Continue reading C+Dav Synergy Connector Updated for webOS

Preserving webOS apps

Yesterday, webOS day saw the ninth testing release of LuneOS, but it was also the first anniversary without the servers and app catalog. The future looks promising, but we are on our own now. Most of us backed up our apps before the shutdown, but it should be remembered that the original announcement only went out to developers. Since the 15th of April a number of users have appeared whose devices have reset and are stuck at the account activation screen. Having bypassed this obstacle, they will then find their accounts and apps will not automatically restore. For them and to have a reasonable portfolio of apps for LuneOS, steps are being taken to encourage developers to make their apps available in alternative channels. Some have added to the webOS Nation app gallery, others are hosting installation packages on their own websites or code repositories.

Continue reading Preserving webOS apps

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