News Crumbs – 9th November 2015

Munching on the last crust here, but everything tastes good with marmalade. It’s been a while since the last round up, so before I head to the bakery for supplies, lets clean out some crumbs!

That’s it for now. Don’t forget to donate to pivotCE so we can keep the article machine fueled.

LuneOS Update for November


You can’t win them all, folks! We won’t have a November stable release of LuneOS because we’ve always been about quality and not forcing made-up timelines to satisfy feelings.

BUT we do have nightlies still coming. The latest of which are available for Grouper (Nexus 7), Maguro (Galaxy Nexus), Mako (Nexus 4), emulator, and Tenderloin (HP TouchPad). Don’t forget the latest uImage for TouchPad.

So what’s new? First off, we have a new supported device! Well, ok so it’s an old supported device that has been brought back to life. The Galaxy Nexus! Also, the RaspBerry Pi 2 port will be most likely an official target shortly. We just need to work out logistics on our build server. More to come there.

Continue reading LuneOS Update for November

Making Android More Like webOS

Making Android more like webOS is not an idea without precedent. webOS Nation covered a similar article in 2013 and there are several posts on XDA and webOS Nation about that very thing. Some still work and some don’t.

Mods like webcm10, which offers swipe up card switching, were designed for Cyanogenmod 9 and 10. You can see it in action here. Old themes for Android launchers might still work but there have been a lot of changes to Android since they were released 2+ years ago so YMMV. I’m talking about WebOS GO Launcher EX Theme for GO Launcher, of course.

Continue reading Making Android More Like webOS

YouTube Client Released for webOS/LuneOS: LuneTube

Yesterday, webOS Nation forum member MAMISHO released LuneTube, a YouTube client app for webOS and LuneOS, to add gravy to what has been a surprisingly good month for webOS. Read on to find out more!
Continue reading YouTube Client Released for webOS/LuneOS: LuneTube

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