Yeah yeah it’s almost 2016…why post the SDKs and emulators? Well, if you haven’t noticed people are STILL developing for webOS. And thank God since my Pre3 is humming right along still today. Read on for links and more info.
Lay-offs at LG Silicon Valley Lab
It seems there are a number of lay-offs occurring at LG’s Silicon Valley Lab. Long-time readers will recall that is where the webOS TV operating system was developed after the original codebase and team were purchased from HP. A significant number of developers of the Enyo app development framework are also being cut.
Continue reading Lay-offs at LG Silicon Valley Lab
UPDATE: Special Investigations Unit asks webOS Users for Help in Murder Case
UPDATE: Inv. Stanfill received a 2nd Pixi Plus to test and proved the community solution worked. He then tried it on the evidence Pixi Plus and it worked! He’s in! Check out his “success” post! Great job everyone!
A Special Investigations Unit police officer with the Jackson, Tennessee police department has asked webOS users on the webOS Nations forums for help.
Here’s his post:
Continue reading UPDATE: Special Investigations Unit asks webOS Users for Help in Murder Case
The Ultimate Bypass Activation Tool
In this post-Palm/HP-servers-webOS-world it’s necessary to have all of the tools to keep our devices alive. Most of us still around on the webOS Nation forums are well equipped with tools like OpenSSL and a multitude of patches that reestablish dead synergies and apps alike.
LuneOS December Stable Release: Caffè Marocchino
We’re very pleased to present you our latest monthly stable release, Caffè Marocchino or “Marocchino” for short. We’ve had a bit of delay in getting this release out due to some issues with our build server and issue tracker but those are now resolved. Yay!
Continue reading LuneOS December Stable Release: Caffè Marocchino