All posts by Alan Morford

I'm a husband, father, USAF member, webOS enthusiast, musician, and all around techie.

Project updates – Open webOS hits Alpha 3, ACL for webOS pushes pre-release

Image credit: webos-ports.orgNot only is it rare to see a major application or development for webOS announced these days but in a strange happenstance two such announcements hit the web back-to-back.  The Open webOS (OwOS) team broke the news on Alpha 3 and updated their wiki yesterday.  Currently there isn’t a release available for Alpha 3 but it is important to note that the webOS Ports team has added Virtual Box support along side GSM Samsung Galaxy Nexus and 1st Gen Asus Nexus 7 support.  And this morning, Phoenix International Communications (PIC) begain emailing pre-release testers instructions for ACL for webOS installations.  Still no timeline for the rest of us though.  Read on for the message from PIC.

Continue reading Project updates – Open webOS hits Alpha 3, ACL for webOS pushes pre-release

Webtype gives license to for webOS fonts

Webtype LogoIf you look closely at this article (or any other article on you might notice a familiar font.  That’s right!  pivotCE has been given a license to use styles from the Prelude font family.  Yes, the very same font integrated into our beloved webOS devices.  Earlier this week, I made contact with a public relations associate from Webtype.  After a brief explanation of what pivotCE offers the webOS community, they wasted no time in offering access to the styles of our choosing.

Continue reading Webtype gives license to for webOS fonts

ACL for webOS closer than ever but still no timeline

In posts released yesterday from Phoenix International Communications on their facebook and twitter accounts it seems ACL for webOS’ public release is imminent.  It’s a quick blurb but at this point, those hungry for ACL for webOS release news will take the smallest morsels to satisfy their need.

Continue reading ACL for webOS closer than ever but still no timeline

TIP – YouTube Search/Quality fix for webOS 1.x/2.x

brokenyoutubeHas it been a while since you’ve used YouTube on your webOS phone?  Say, before September of this year?  If you answer yes, you’ll find that popping open the app displays what you expect to see but search won’t return results and clicking on a video in the Popular Videos list will play, however, quality is terrible.  Even with your l337 hax0r skillz set to ENGAGE, you dig into and edit some YouTube javascript files on your phone and manage to reenable search, you’ll still notice video quality remains on “turd level”.  If you’re a Pre 3 user you’ll notice you don’t have the app but instead a launcher for the mobile YouTube site which means your search is unaffected yet your quality is reduced all the same.

Don’t worry!  Unsurprisingly, the webOS community responded in force and solved the issue practically overnight.  Who says all the devs left???

Continue reading TIP – YouTube Search/Quality fix for webOS 1.x/2.x