Tag Archives: TV

I don’t care about webOS on TVs

I’ve really been struggling about how to cover LG webOS and their SmartTV news lately. pivotCE isn’t my personal blog so I want to make sure that what I cover aligns with what webOS fans are eager to read about. And while I want to write about webOS, I haven’t been able to bring myself to draft up the news about LG and their TVs.  It’s taken me this long to even sit down and put my thoughts together.

LG recently showcased their version of webOS running on TVs at AppsWorld in San Francisco. They hosted several talks on Enyo and app development for their new flagship SmartTV OS. All well and good, yeah? I mean, I love Enyo and am very appreciative of LG giving webOS a chance, so why have I been in such a funk?  Then it hit me…I don’t care about webOS on TVs.  

Continue reading I don’t care about webOS on TVs

LG will show webOS TVs at CES 2014

Do you remember webOS Nation’s sad video from CES 2013 where they tried to find webOS stuff?  Well, it looks like we won’t be disappointed again this year.

Up til now we’ve only seen screenshots and heard rumors.  But LG researcher Hong Sung-pyo confirmed the presentation of their new webOS TV set at CES 2014 in Las Vegas!

With a purported 2.2 GHz dual-core processor and 1.5 GB of RAM this will be the highest spec hardware webOS has ever officially run on.  We will see how much LG customized the interface.  According to rumors from the beginning of the year they revamped it completely.



That’s what LG called webOS together with their Smart TVs.  I’m very exited what this means for webOS, Enyo, and especially for our current devices.  Will the TVs use the current App Catalog?  It would be great if developers (re)start creating new apps.  I can’t wait to see what LG is preparing.  What do you think?

Source: The Verge

LG Enyo Director interviewed – talks webOS, Smart TV demo date


DeveloperTech interviewed ex-Palm employee, Gray Norton (now LG’s Director of the Enyo Framework and Tools) about LG’s plans for Smart TVs and how Enyo is being incorporated in their development.  Among what Gray had to say, there was talk about webOS and how the work LG has done with Enyo for next year’s TVs lends itself to be used with and without webOS attached to it.  Hmmmmm…

Continue reading LG Enyo Director interviewed – talks webOS, Smart TV demo date