Tag Archives: LuneOS

Next LuneOS Stable Release Available: Black Tie

Black Tie is a traditional Thai iced tea with a good bit of spice for kick. Today’s Black Tie LuneOS release has the traditional look and feel of webOS with a good dose of modern software technology for a kick!

We try to get the releases out on the first of each month but we had some pretty big hiccups to overcome this time. Sorry for the delay but hey, all good things to those who wait, right? Besides, we don’t do timelines anyway! Read on for what changed and for the links, of course. 🙂

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News Crumbs 16 November 2014

So much has been happening lately, it’s hard to tell what’s a crumb, crisis or great news! Here is a selection:

With this many crumbs, it’s clear that webOS is very far from being brown bread.

Use CalDAV to maintain Google Calendar sync

Some applications or apps function entirely on your device. Some interact with remote services or applications across the internet to gain additional features, others are simply mobile facades for remote services.

For apps to work with these services, they need to send information or make requests for data in a form the remote service can work with. This communication is therefore governed by what is known as a web “Application Programming Interface” or API for short.

You may be syncing with Google’s calendar service using the webOS calendar app. Google is due to change the API that governs this process. They will move to version 3 on the 17th of this month. For your webOS device to continue to synchronise with the calendar, it needs an update!
Continue reading Use CalDAV to maintain Google Calendar sync