Foursquare broken and fixed in 24 hours

foursquareWow, do we jump on problems quickly as a community around here or what?  On Thursday, forums user aexellent reported an API change from the folks behind Foursquare.  Foursquare is a popular location based social networking service (if you’ve been living under a rock).  The update to the API effectively broke Foursquare for webOS but not for long!

Similarly to how YouTube functionality was restored within 48 hours, Foursquare was gone and then restored in only 24 hours.  Who should we thank? Forums user and meta-doctor expert, Herrie, came to the rescue.  But this wasn’t the typical patch solution.  Oh no no no!  The great news is that Foursquare for webOS creator, Zhephree, open-sourced the app and uploaded it onto github.   This made the fix that much “easier” to come by.  Not only is the app back to life and available for download on the forum thread but Herrie also added the solutions to github which should generate the request to update it for the HP App Catalog as well.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…I’m consistently blown away by the amazing webOS community.  Thanks Herrie!



To Doctor or Not To Doctor: A Call to Stop “Lazy Troubleshooting”

The forums on webOS Nation are hands-down the place for webOS community interaction. Battery jumps to 0%?  Stuck on the HP logo? All you have to do is ask for help.  That’s the best part of our community!  We support each other.

While the level of help you will receive on the forums varies with the subject matter, there are always those issues which seem to gather more “just doctor and be done with it” responses than actual troubleshooting steps. That’s a problem.  Too often, help was just a bit too late to get there before someone pulled the “doctor it” trigger.  Let me be frank…if that’s you, quit it. Seriously.  And read on…

Continue reading To Doctor or Not To Doctor: A Call to Stop “Lazy Troubleshooting”

FIXED – Update 2: Hotmail/ accounts misbehaving

SSL ErrorFor those of you still using a Pre or TouchPad as daily drivers and have email accounts with either Hotmail or Outlook (like me), and are having problems accessing those accounts today I’m certain you’re as alarmed as I am.  All too often during these last few rocky years of webOS use, we have come to know the dreaded “no longer supported” cloud that hangs over our heads.  Could this be the latest in a string of end-of-life functionality for webOS?  No!  This issue has a fix!  Read on!

Continue reading FIXED – Update 2: Hotmail/ accounts misbehaving

webOS meet up: San Francisco

With the recent news around webOS, it appears there has also been a slight resurgence of interest from the community in meeting each other – you know, in the actual flesh!

The webOS user is, perhaps always was, a rare creature. Spotting one is tough. A group together? Get out your video camera and record their strange rituals for posterity!

Recently, there were proposed meet ups in New York City & Chicago (details are frustratingly sparse). Our own esteemed editor, Alan Morford is drumming up interest for a meeting near Springfield, VA. Date TBC.

But for now, your best bet to catch those elusive webOS creatures grazing at the waterhole is near where webOS was created: San Francisco. If you live, work or are visiting the area, February the 4th is a day to enter into your calendar app. Timed to coincide with Apps world (There is talk of free passes), this is your chance to meet some of the people who actually develop the very system you are using! Here’s the link: post-CES/post-2014 Wrap-up! – webOS Meetup: SF Bay Area (San Francisco, CA) – Meetup. Bean Bird’s attendance is currently unconfirmed.

If you are organising or know of any webOS related events, pivotCE is interested to spread the word. Let us know!

webOS News, Tips, and Tricks