Use CalDAV to maintain Google Calendar sync

Some applications or apps function entirely on your device. Some interact with remote services or applications across the internet to gain additional features, others are simply mobile facades for remote services.

For apps to work with these services, they need to send information or make requests for data in a form the remote service can work with. This communication is therefore governed by what is known as a web “Application Programming Interface” or API for short.

You may be syncing with Google’s calendar service using the webOS calendar app. Google is due to change the API that governs this process. They will move to version 3 on the 17th of this month. For your webOS device to continue to synchronise with the calendar, it needs an update!
Continue reading Use CalDAV to maintain Google Calendar sync

Guide: Coming (Back) to webOS in 2014, Part 2

So, you’ve got your new webOS-powered smartphone set up with the latest fixes from my Coming (Back) to webOS Guide, Part 1 and you’re ready to get started? Great!

You may have noticed that webOS can be a bit slow at times but don’t worry, the community has got your back and has released a slew of patches and tips designed to speed your device right up!

This guide will walk you through the steps necessary to tune and optimize your device including detailing the patches necessary to make sure that you have the best webOS experience possible.

Continue reading Guide: Coming (Back) to webOS in 2014, Part 2

Día de los Muertos: webOS

Welcome! To our Spanish speaking friends: ¡Bienvenido!

Tonight is All Hallows Eve, known colloquially as Halloween. It is traditionally a night when supernatural spirits, spectres and ghosts emerge. The dead walk among us and we show them some respect.

In Mexico, they have the Day of the Dead: A festival that features decorative skulls like those pictured above.
Continue reading Día de los Muertos: webOS

Closing Down Sale

Just in case you haven’t noticed, the HP webOS app catalogue will close to new purchases at the end of the week: the 1st of November to be precise.

This is your last chance to buy apps from the catalogue. Don’t walk, run! Some developers will see a nice little boost in income in the next few weeks.

UPDATE: App Catalog downloads and purchases are all functioning properly again. webOS Nations forums user mazzinia believes they found the likely culprit. At any rate, HP figured it out. Only about 24 hours left to purchase apps. Hurry!

Continue reading Closing Down Sale

webOS News, Tips, and Tricks