Guest Guide: Mimic webOS in Android

I bet you’ve seen topics on webOS Nation forums and our article here on pivotCE about Making Android More Like webOS. Well, webOS Nation forums user, Shuswap, just kicked it up a notch.

He recently shared with me on Twitter that he’d made a pretty sweet Android mod to mimic webOS. I asked for a tutorial and he obliged! Read on for his great work and get ready to webOS-ify your Android!

Continue reading Guest Guide: Mimic webOS in Android

News Crumbs – 15th AUGUST 2016

The toaster’s been back in action, so let’s shake out some fresh crumbs:

I need to butter these hot scones. See you next time!

LuneOS August Stable Release: Café Touba

Those were a quick 2 months! As you know during summer things always slow down a bit due to people taking holidays. Some of our devs had some well deserved time off as well, but others kept working hard on bringing bug fixes, improvements & new features to the OS! We’re very pleased to present you our latest monthly stable release, Café Touba or “Touba” for short.

Continue reading LuneOS August Stable Release: Café Touba

webOS futures past

LuneOS may be the future for webOS as a mobile operating system, but as we wait for it to reach beta status, we can still indulge in some wistful sighs as we wonder, “what might have been..?”

Here’s an old HP promotional video. HP Slate? With webOS?

The HP Slate was first released in 2010. This was actually after the acquisition of Palm that same year, though obviously the Slate had been in development for a while. Originally intended as a consumer device, HP’s first tablet was released to the business market running windows 7. The consumer tablet running webOS would become the TouchPad.

Recognising and adjusting to different Touchstones? That never happened (though it’s a functionality that could be built when your phone can connect to a charger via Bluetooth)! HP still has a tablet range under the label, ‘Slate’, so it’s possible this video was predicting a ‘webOS everywhere’ future. But it’s a safer bet this video dates from the early days of the Palm purchase when decisions about hardware and markets had yet to be finalised.

Enjoy and comment here.

UPDATE: webOS Internals/Ports Sites (were) Offline

UPDATE: They’re back! That was fast!

If you’ve been incessantly hitting refresh on your web browser trying to get and/or to load, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, they may not come back online any time soon.

Continue reading UPDATE: webOS Internals/Ports Sites (were) Offline

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