All posts by Alan Morford

I'm a husband, father, USAF member, webOS enthusiast, musician, and all around techie.

A webOS Christmas Wish List

Image: Creative Commons
Image: Creative Commons

As a parent, Christmas time means I get to hear my 8 year old oggling over every toy commercial she sees.  In fact, that’s usually the first indicator that I have to sit her down with a pencil and a piece of paper to get her to write a letter to Santa Claus.  Once the letter is done I can remind her that she already wrote to Santa to make the begging lull…a bit.

But this year I got to thinking…what would I ask Santa for?  I mean other than a unicorn and a rocket launcher, of course…here’re my top 3. Continue reading A webOS Christmas Wish List

LG Enyo Director interviewed – talks webOS, Smart TV demo date


DeveloperTech interviewed ex-Palm employee, Gray Norton (now LG’s Director of the Enyo Framework and Tools) about LG’s plans for Smart TVs and how Enyo is being incorporated in their development.  Among what Gray had to say, there was talk about webOS and how the work LG has done with Enyo for next year’s TVs lends itself to be used with and without webOS attached to it.  Hmmmmm…

Continue reading LG Enyo Director interviewed – talks webOS, Smart TV demo date

How-to: Meta-Doctor – No Makefile editing

metadoctorHave you ever browsed around the webOS Nation Forums and read about people installing webOS 2.1.0 on their Sprint Pres?  How about installing webOS 2.2.4 on their Pre 2s?  Or mashing together a Sprint Pre 2 with either of the above?  Besides the hardware part of a Sprint Pre 2, this is all done via webOS InternalsMeta-Doctor.  This isn’t the latest news in the world of webOS, of course.  However, since the original “how-to” over at webOS Internals is a bit dated I thought it fitting to provide a step-by-step to get it to work for you!  If you’ve always meant to do it but never gotten around to it, dust off that Pre, pull out your USB cable, and read on!

Continue reading How-to: Meta-Doctor – No Makefile editing