Resurfaced HP Video Shows webOS Device Concepts


The video below isn’t exactly new. In fact, it appeared in December 2011 on The Verge as part of a story on HP’s proposed rebranding concept. A rebranding concept which only now is starting to see the light of day with HP’s new Envy line of laptops. That’s the new logo above. The Verge has resurfaced the video and tells the tale of HP’s rebranding.

It’s interesting to see the concept images from the video though. Remember, these are from about 5 years ago and they still look very modern. The idea that HP would want to see their rebranding effort (which started in 2008 but hit a lot of CEO road-blocks along the way) come to fruition and unify TV, mobile devices, printers, and more is pretty intriguing.

webOS Nation user, mattmers, started a thread and posted some screen grabs from the video of actual webOS devices and concept devices alike. That TV-looking one looks pretty sweet to me. Check the video for yourself.
