Alright, let’s be honest. If you’re a webOS user in 2014 you have to understand how to use patches, occasionally use webOS Quick Install‘s Linux Commandline, and may have even built your own custom webOS doctor using webOS Internals‘ meta-doctor.
The tutorials can be complex for some of the fixes webOS users have to make but a basic understanding of Linux can really help. Especially since webOS is built upon Linux! If you already knew that then you might also know about Essentially, if you want to know anythingand everything worth mentioning within the world of Linux then you’ll get yourself over to for the news. And the fine folks over there just did a very nice write-up on LuneOS!
Here is something very interesting. If you are not sure what you are looking at, It’s the code repository of Open-webOS. That’s the code originally released by Hewlett Packard and developed by LG electronics. What it shows is webOS being tested on a Nexus 5.
We’ve already had some excitement with the recent Ports to the Touchpad & Nexus 4 by the webOS-Ports team, but this was submitted by an engineer at LG.
So is this a gift for the team to help with future ports or is it LG’s own project? If LG puts webOS on a Nexus 5 and makes that code available, isn’t that an LG webOS phone? Could this test merely be a prelude to a future project?
We’ll keep you updated on any developments and in the meantime will speculate wildly with the rest of the webOS community.
Welcome back pivotCE fans! We have another interview for you! Hans Kokx comes to us from the webOS Ports Team (among other areas of webOS-dom). See below for our conversation.
Not only is it rare to see a major application or development for webOS announced these days but in a strange happenstance two such announcements hit the web back-to-back. The Open webOS (OwOS) team broke the news on Alpha 3 and updated their wiki yesterday. Currently there isn’t a release available for Alpha 3 but it is important to note that the webOS Ports team has added Virtual Box support along side GSM Samsung Galaxy Nexus and 1st Gen Asus Nexus 7 support. And this morning, Phoenix International Communications (PIC) begain emailing pre-release testers instructions for ACL for webOS installations. Still no timeline for the rest of us though. Read on for the message from PIC.