The start of each new year brings with it the Consumer Electronics show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. We have posted an article about it for the last couple of years – since LG debuted their webOS televisions there. You may recall that it was Palm’s announcement and demonstration of the Palm Pre at the 2009 show that started all the fuss about webOS. Could LG maintain the excitement around their TVs?
Continue reading The LG Keynote at CES 2016
Tag Archives: Palm
6000+ Apps, Abandonware, and More to Come
UPDATE: New public ftp replaces box account access! See below.
I mentioned in an earlierĀ article on pivotCE that I won’t judge how people get their webOS apps these days. I really meant it.
Continue reading 6000+ Apps, Abandonware, and More to Come
webOS meetup, Chicago, 22nd November
Yes, the Chicago webOS meetup remains a calendar fixture and it’s happening on this coming Sunday, 22nd November, 7pm at Moretti’s Ristorante and Pizzeria, Schamburg.
Continue reading webOS meetup, Chicago, 22nd November
Tip: How to Bypass Activation
When powered on, a ‘new’, reset or doctored webOS device will attempt to contact HP’s servers to allow a user to log in to an existing Palm Profile account or create a new one. In the past, this allowed access to the app catalog and other services such as cloud backup & remote wipe.
Now, the HP servers are gone. You can read articles on these pages about the various community fixes for issues that have arisen over the years and how to set up the device and install apps. But if starting afresh, you’ll hit an apparent brickwall: webOS wasn’t designed to skip the activation if contact isn’t made. Palm naturally assumed that everyone would want to download apps & use the services, so the machine waits for contact, advising the user to check the connection or contact HP.
Tip: Edit Your Hosts File for Access to Old Palm Servers
Since the shutdown of the HP/Palm servers our ability to access webOS doctors, manuals, and other goodies that used to be up for the masses is pretty much non-existant. The good news is there’s a fix. Edit your hosts file!
Continue reading Tip: Edit Your Hosts File for Access to Old Palm Servers