For those of you still using a Pre or TouchPad as daily drivers and have email accounts with either Hotmail or Outlook (like me), and are having problems accessing those accounts today I’m certain you’re as alarmed as I am. All too often during these last few rocky years of webOS use, we have come to know the dreaded “no longer supported” cloud that hangs over our heads. Could this be the latest in a string of end-of-life functionality for webOS?No! This issue has a fix! Read on!
Engadget is reporting that Skype (read Microsoft) is rewriting the aging API for renewed focus on mobile platforms. What does that mean for webOS users and our beloved Synergy Skype integration? Well, we don’t really know just yet. What we do know is that M$ has a history of killing support for things it no longer deems worthy of support. The long list includes Windows Phone 7. That does not bode well for we the users of webOS and our integrated Skype support. Should the unthinkable happen and our front-facing-camera-having TouchPads and Pre3s no longer retain Skype access one can only hope the webOS community comes to the rescue to once again save ourselves from an early and altogether too-soon demise. Here’s hoping. For now, enjoy it while you have it. Further bulletins as they develop!