Tag Archives: Meet up

St. Louis webOS Meetup Recap

I’ve never met another webOS user. Well, not in person.

Ok, that’s a bit of a stretch. I got a Palm Centro back in the day when my Aunt still worked for Sprint. Cost me $100 back in 2008? 9? Somewhere around there. Anyway, I was using that until I met a guy with the original Palm Pre in 2010. I had no idea Palm had a new phone out. Seriously. Totally missed its launch. So did most of the world…I digress.

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News Crumbs – 9th JANUARY 2015

It is said that a watched pot never boils, but will a webOS toaster send a pop-up toaster alert to a webOS watch when the toast is ready? Only time will tell…

Whatever you use to measure time, make the most of yours in 2015 with our best wishes for the New Year.