Tag Archives: LG webOS

The LG Keynote at CES 2016

The start of each new year brings with it the Consumer Electronics show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. We have posted an article about it for the last couple of years – since LG debuted their webOS televisions there. You may recall that it was Palm’s announcement and demonstration of the Palm Pre at the 2009 show that started all the fuss about webOS. Could LG maintain the excitement around their TVs?
Continue reading The LG Keynote at CES 2016

News Crumbs – 8th April 2015

At this time of year the webOS toaster is popping up a lot of hot cross buns, but any time of year is the right time for toasted fruit buns! Let’s shake out some crumbs:

And we’re all done and ready to heat up more freshly baked webOS news. Farewell until next time!

News Crumbs – 9th JANUARY 2015

It is said that a watched pot never boils, but will a webOS toaster send a pop-up toaster alert to a webOS watch when the toast is ready? Only time will tell…

Whatever you use to measure time, make the most of yours in 2015 with our best wishes for the New Year.