webOS has long since passed from the battleground that is the mobile operating system atmosphere. It’s been four long years since the last official webOS version, 3.0.5 for the HP Touchpad was released. However, reports are now surfacing from former HP employees about an unreleased version of webOS that was axed by then-CEO Leo Apotheker due to a bizarre bug. We’ll tell you more past the jump!
Tag Archives: fool
It’s back, back, back!
The tech press was a little wrong-footed today by a surprise announcement from Palm or specifically, the brand’s new owners, TCL (Alcatel).
Google Adopts webOS

In a surprise announcement today, Google confirmed they were going to develop the webOS mobile operating system – the critically praised, but ultimately abandoned project created by Palm Inc., before being sold, then cancelled by HP in it’s recent turbulent period.
Continue reading Google Adopts webOS
Dev Highlight: Leo Apotheker
Hey! Look who stopped by today for a quick exclusive interview with pivotCE! Leo Apotheker!
Some might say it’s a far stretch to call him a developer but oh nonono! He is much more of a developer for webOS than you give him credit for! Don’t believe me? For shame! Read on and you’ll see just what he gave the fans in the way of his webOS “development”.