Project Macaw updated, adds 280 character limit

Everyone’s favorite webOS Twitter client (ok there aren’t many left to choose from), Project Macaw, is of the last remaining consistently updated apps for our beloved platform.  And the updates just keep on coming.

Continue reading Project Macaw updated, adds 280 character limit

Unlock your HP TouchPad 4G

webOS friend and LuneOS project aficionado, Herrie, recently embarked on an unlocking adventure.  His HP TouchPad 4G gave up the ghost and passed away quietly.  So he did what anyone would do and got a new one!  That’s what you’d do if your TouchPad died too, right? Continue reading Unlock your HP TouchPad 4G

LuneOS Browser: How to sideload Flash & WideVine plugins (Netflix, Amazon, YouTube Red)

Since the most recent release of LuneOS called “Decaf” which includes Qt 5.9.2, support for 3rd party browser plugins (such as Adobe Flash and Google’s WideVine CDM) has been added to the Browser App and has been enabled by default.

However the source code of these plugin binaries is not available and therefore these binaries cannot be compiled and provided in the LuneOS images.

Continue reading LuneOS Browser: How to sideload Flash & WideVine plugins (Netflix, Amazon, YouTube Red)

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