Have you been wondering what LG will do with webOS next?
According to The Verge, a since pulled website has arisen (here are the cached pages from Google 1 and 2) detailing info about LG’s all new platform supposedly called “webOS Wear“. It is thought that this is going to rival Samsung’s Tizen, maybe even in retaliation to Apple’s new smart watch. Hopefully our loyal fan-base will make it popular! According to pictures pulled from the site (see below), the SDK for the said smart watches, will supposedly be released with the announcement of LG’s plans to move webOS to the Smart watch platform.
To see the other banners pulled from the site click here.
Now I should demote this announcement to the news crumbs section, but I’m going to give the organisers one more chance to send us some pictures, videos, write-ups…whatever!
You can at least expect a demo of LuneOS! Maybe someone will load a webOS TV into the back of their car and bring it? As ever, you can bring along your phone & tablet collection and talk about all three types of webOS that now exist while eating pizza. Could there be a better night out?
The team at pivotCE remind you that if you are planning a meet up, let us know! We are interested in promoting your events (it might even increase attendance!). We are also interested in reports and pictures from webOS events.
The webOS community may be a bit smaller these days but it’s no less devoted to the platform. And it’s that community that is rallying behind us here at webOS Ports. Thanks to your direct support, our team has grown from just 5 members at release to over 12 with more on the way. As you can imagine, leading up to the initial release the team was a bit overwhelmed with the details of creating an entire operating system. Now that we have a few more folks directly developing for LuneOS, things are starting to come together. But we still need your help.
It’s been quite a while since we’ve highlighted a developer on pivotCE! So here’s a long over due highlight on a webOS developer practically every webOS user should know for his homebrew solution to Google Maps: 72ka.
Here we are two weeks into the LuneOS initial release and I find myself staring at the install on my HP TouchPad wanting it to do more. Don’t get me wrong, I’m patient enough to wait for a functioning OS of core app integration. And I’m not in a hurry for all of the “I wish it had <app name>” whining.
Although, since LuneOS supports Enyo apps, isn’t it possible that it could run current webOS apps built from the technology? I set out to find out. Read on for the results.