Video: A feature comparison between webOS and Blackberry 10

With the looming shutdown of HP webOS cloud service in <gasp> just under two weeks, many folks over at webOS Nation’s forums have started jumping ship. For those of us who’ve survived all of the major hiccups, travesties, and terrorist plots that have seen webOS kicked to the curb or dropped on its head, this is nothing new. But to those that are leaving, to what platform will you go?

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Guide: Saving Apps From The App Catalog Part 2: HP Takeout

** PLEASE NOTE: Following the closure of the HP app catalogue, the instructions in this article are no longer relevant. It is now of historical interest only. **

Though the HP App Catalog may be closing, there are still many creative members of the community working on ways to help you back up your apps before they’re gone for good. Today, we’ll continue on with our series of how to back up your apps. This guide will walk you through the process of using pivotCE’s solution, developed by our very own Pattyland: HP Takeout.

Continue reading Guide: Saving Apps From The App Catalog Part 2: HP Takeout

Next LuneOS Stable Release Available: Black Tie

Black Tie is a traditional Thai iced tea with a good bit of spice for kick. Today’s Black Tie LuneOS release has the traditional look and feel of webOS with a good dose of modern software technology for a kick!

We try to get the releases out on the first of each month but we had some pretty big hiccups to overcome this time. Sorry for the delay but hey, all good things to those who wait, right? Besides, we don’t do timelines anyway! Read on for what changed and for the links, of course. 🙂

Continue reading Next LuneOS Stable Release Available: Black Tie

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