The Death and Rebirth of a Bass Guitar Case

I’m a musician. I’ve played guitar and bass guitar since I was 16. I haven’t played very much in recent years until last year when I started playing for a local church. I dusted off the bass and started trying to get back into the groove of playing with a band and not in my basement. Alone. With just my webOS phones to keep me company. <shudder>

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LuneOS April Stable Release: Café au lait

No April Fools jokes here folks. Just a fresh cup of the April LuneOS stable build, Café au lait or “au lait” for short. Lots of changes this month. There better be since we didn’t produce a changelog for last month’s nightlies-only releases, amirite? Hopefully we haven’t disappointed you.

Grab your Nexus 4 or HP TouchPad (or emulator) and load up our latest builds!

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St. Louis webOS Meetup Recap

I’ve never met another webOS user. Well, not in person.

Ok, that’s a bit of a stretch. I got a Palm Centro back in the day when my Aunt still worked for Sprint. Cost me $100 back in 2008? 9? Somewhere around there. Anyway, I was using that until I met a guy with the original Palm Pre in 2010. I had no idea Palm had a new phone out. Seriously. Totally missed its launch. So did most of the world…I digress.

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News Crumbs – 8th April 2015

At this time of year the webOS toaster is popping up a lot of hot cross buns, but any time of year is the right time for toasted fruit buns! Let’s shake out some crumbs:

And we’re all done and ready to heat up more freshly baked webOS news. Farewell until next time!

Farewell to Facebook webOS Synergy/App

In October of 2014, Facebook for HP webOS was removed from Facebook’s authorized apps list, as has happened before. This had the effect of hiding (but fortunately not deleting) all of the status messages, photos, and videos uploaded by the app. Additionally, the change broke the app and the Synergy connector for contacts and calendars. Namely, it broke the authentication process so that if you ever logged out of the app, had to doctor, or restore from a backup, you could never log back in. Users who were logged into the webOS app at the time of the change are still able to read their timelines but can’t post. Nice, right?

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webOS News, Tips, and Tricks