All posts by maninwhitecoat

An avid fan of the webOS system from England, proof that webOS love did make it to these shores! Thieving scum broke into my car and stole my Pre 3 though =(

Calling East Coast (USA) Enyo Developers

modev eastAs you may (or may not) know, MoDev East is happening this week on the 12th and 13th of December at the Gannett Conference Center in Mclean, VA. The Enyo team are also going to be present so this is a good chance to pose any questions you may have, or just to pop in and see them.  What’s more, they are giving away a free pass to any interested Enyo developers.  All you have to do is to get in touch with them via Twitter @EnyoJS.

When Innovation at HP stops

Bernd Bischoff, Source: Fujitsu Siemens Computers
Bernd Bischoff, Source: Fujitsu Siemens Computers

In an interview with UK Technology news website The Register, Bernd Bischoff, a former HP European VP general manager of commercial channels, divulges on the HP that could have been, were it not for too many mistakes. Although Bernd Bischoff’s time at HP ended before the Palm acquisition, his 33 year professional career in the IT industry has earned him recognition as an expert in the field. In his analysis, Bischoff struggles to see how HP could turn itself around: “They’ve made too many mistakes in the last few years.”

In mobile he said, it had blown its chance to build a business around Palm. “They bought it for a lot of money and then did nothing. But now it’s too late.” Continue reading When Innovation at HP stops