You’ve announced the end of webOS cloud services and I couldn’t be happier.
You’ve announced the end of webOS cloud services and I couldn’t be happier.
Mark your calendars for April 3rd, 2015 because we’re doing a webOS Meetup in St. Louis!
C|Net scooped us all with the news that LG is about to release the Urbane LTE webOS smartwatch this year. But this isn’t the webOS watch we saw at CES. It’s the cousin of the LG Urbane which runs Android Wear.
As we mentioned here back in October, LG let slip they were building a webOS smart watch. Thanks to CES, LG has confirmed this to be true. The watch is slated for a 2016 production release.
Android Central has the exclusive and webOS Nation adds their own speculation. But the key to take away is that LG is building an ‘ecosystem’. Forgive me for speculating but a company does not build an ecosystem with just a watch and of course, TVs…
So allow me to predict the future for a second: webOS smart phone in 2016. I’m calling it. 😉
Be sure to check Android Central’s article for more photos and here’s their video:
There’s a conversation about this already in progress. Join in!
With the looming shutdown of HP webOS cloud service in <gasp> just under two weeks, many folks over at webOS Nation’s forums have started jumping ship. For those of us who’ve survived all of the major hiccups, travesties, and terrorist plots that have seen webOS kicked to the curb or dropped on its head, this is nothing new. But to those that are leaving, to what platform will you go?
Continue reading Video: A feature comparison between webOS and Blackberry 10