Tag Archives: internals

webOS Internals founder to OM/PIC “Too little, too late”

Image by © JOHN G. MABANGLO/epa/Corbis
Image by © JOHN G. MABANGLO/epa/Corbis

When Steve Jobs pulled out the iPhone at Macworld 2007 it was a game changer.  Smart phones became what they are today because the iPhone flipped the market on its proverbial lid.  Google built a search engine into a billion dollar industry and the web has never been the same because they changed the game.  Say what you want about Microsoft but when they licensed their software and NOT hardware it changed the computer market forever.  Similarly, mobile computing was in its infancy when Palm and US Robotics came along and released the Palm 1000.  The PDA market exploded because Palm changed the game.

Each game-changer was innovative, fresh, and excited people.  Palm recaptured that exciting spirit at CES in 2009 with the debut of the Palm Pre.  But after HP stopped developing webOS hardware in 2011 it all but killed the innovation of webOS to the mobile world and fans of the platform were left without hope it would ever reach competitive market share.  Open webOS was born but that game was so new it didn’t have a rule book.  The game was over before it really began or so it seemed. Continue reading webOS Internals founder to OM/PIC “Too little, too late”

How-to: Meta-Doctor – No Makefile editing

metadoctorHave you ever browsed around the webOS Nation Forums and read about people installing webOS 2.1.0 on their Sprint Pres?  How about installing webOS 2.2.4 on their Pre 2s?  Or mashing together a Sprint Pre 2 with either of the above?  Besides the hardware part of a Sprint Pre 2, this is all done via webOS InternalsMeta-Doctor.  This isn’t the latest news in the world of webOS, of course.  However, since the original “how-to” over at webOS Internals is a bit dated I thought it fitting to provide a step-by-step to get it to work for you!  If you’ve always meant to do it but never gotten around to it, dust off that Pre, pull out your USB cable, and read on!

Continue reading How-to: Meta-Doctor – No Makefile editing