Got a Roku? Great! Wish your webOS devices could control it? Me too! And great news, you can with
Dev Highlight: Theoneill
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these webOS developer highlights. It’s not for lack of trying or for a shortage of devs either! Too many of those devs are hiding in the shadows and don’t want the attention. But it’s about putting some background to the names and patches and mods! It gives us someone to thank. Someone like, Lionel!
Continue reading Dev Highlight: Theoneill
How to Fix Old Game Issues
So the catalog is dead. Oh well. Finding random ipks online, whether they be in a shared directory somewhere or from a friend hooking you up can be frustrating. Getting apps for webOS devices is left to the back alley ways of the darkest recesses of private forum messaging and dropbox links. I don’t care how you get them. I won’t judge.
Happy Thanksgiving
webOS meetup, Chicago, 22nd November
Yes, the Chicago webOS meetup remains a calendar fixture and it’s happening on this coming Sunday, 22nd November, 7pm at Moretti’s Ristorante and Pizzeria, Schamburg.
Continue reading webOS meetup, Chicago, 22nd November