Flixi Update Brings Back Weather Widget

Still rocking that HP TouchPad with webOS? Me too. Love exhibition mode? I bet. Good news! Under Cloud Games developer (aka webOS Forums user, QILLER) has released an update to Flixi.

Flixi is an exhibition mode app that combines the best of multitasking and widgets into a nice looking and customizable interface.

The latest update to Flixi includes a repair of the weather widget.

Try it out and don’t forget to say thanks to Under Clouds Studio for the update! You can get Flixi from Preware.


The LG Keynote at CES 2016

The start of each new year brings with it the Consumer Electronics show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. We have posted an article about it for the last couple of years – since LG debuted their webOS televisions there. You may recall that it was Palm’s announcement and demonstration of the Palm Pre at the 2009 show that started all the fuss about webOS. Could LG maintain the excitement around their TVs?
Continue reading The LG Keynote at CES 2016

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