Resurfaced HP Video Shows webOS Device Concepts


The video below isn’t exactly new. In fact, it appeared in December 2011 on The Verge as part of a story on HP’s proposed rebranding concept. A rebranding concept which only now is starting to see the light of day with HP’s new Envy line of laptops. That’s the new logo above. The Verge has resurfaced the video and tells the tale of HP’s rebranding.

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LG Friends

LG opened it’s friends website yesterday. If you are wondering what friends are, they are plug in accessories for LG’s new G5 flagship smart-phone.

You may be wondering why these friends are being mentioned on this webOS website. No, the G5 is not a new webOS phone & it’s not an LGwebOS TV. In the smart-phone area, LG remain wedded to Android.

In a way, this concept harks back to early Palm Visor devices which could have additional, ‘Springboard’ modules added. One such item was a phone module – Yes folks, this was the start of smart-phones.

Most modern smart-phones have gone with the slab formula. The G5 is a slab & these accessories can change that form. At the moment, the accessories include an advanced sound module from B&O and an enhanced camera plug-in. There is a also a VR headset, spherical robot, 360° camera, & Harman Kardon headphones.

So what’s our interest here? It’s a bit of a long-shot: The G5, as a flagship phone is powerful. One (not impossible) accessory could be a hardware keyboard. LuneOS runs on a base of Android drivers. A G5 plus keyboard & LuneOS could give us a modern, powerful, webOS phone. Think about it: Developing a nice keyboard accessory is far easier than a whole new phone.

So there’s a website to keep an eye on in the hope a keyboard appears. You could even sign up and BE the one who makes it, although apparently all accessory development has to be done in partnership (and therefore with the permission of) LG. There is some debate about how much developer interest they will get on these accessories. I guess it will depend on the terms and LG’s own commitment to this modular approach.

Here’s a 30 second video.

So what about that image? Does it look like the devices are badly pasted onto the models? What’s with the slightly creepy green cats (The LG ‘Play-cats’)? No, I don’t know either. You can discuss it here.

LuneOS Update for April

In the latter part of March, webOS Ports upgraded two major parts of the LuneOS system. The Yocto project is what we use to deploy an embedded Linux system to our target devices. Last month we moved to the latest version, named Jethro. In addition, the Qt framework we use for our GUI and system apps has just reached version 5.6 and we have upgraded our builds accordingly. The price of keeping LuneOS at the cutting edge is that major upgrades like these can break other parts of the system that rely on them. Fixing these glitches means it is difficult to produce a stable build of LuneOS, so in April we will focus on progressing the transition rather than making a stable build. We have been able to make great progress with regards to stability, however we still have a few important issues to iron out as well.

BUT we do have nightlies still coming. The latest of which are available for Grouper (Nexus 7), Maguro (Galaxy Nexus), Mako (Nexus 4), emulator, and Tenderloin (HP TouchPad). Don’t forget the latest uImage for TouchPad. We now also build nightly images for the Raspberry Pi 2. We’re ironing out a few final issues with the Raspberry Pi 3 build, so those images can be built in our build environment as well.

So what’s new? First off, we have a new supported device: Raspberry Pi 2! This was pending for a while, but we finally solved the obstacles on our build environment and images are now generated as part of our nightly build process. Also, the Raspberry Pi 3 port build is working on local machines, however we need to iron out a few issues before we can have builds on our server as well. More to come there.

Continue reading LuneOS Update for April

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