Category Archives: News

This should be used for general news where the other categories do not apply. One category per article!

LG at CES 2017

LG has had a few announcements at CES over the years and some of them have included webOS since the company unveiled it’s webOS smart TVs in 2014.

The televisions are now on to version 3 of the OS. Late last year we saw stories that webOS would appear on a video projector and in the last few days a refrigerator.

What did the CES presentation in Las Vegas have to offer? As ever, it was less than hoped (at least for webOS on mobile fans), but within the bounds of it’s presentation, what was shown was very impressive.

Continue reading LG at CES 2017

Christmas News Crumbs, 2016

We send our best wishes to our readers at this time of year. To those that celebrate Christmas, other seasonal festivals or none at all, be of good cheer for webOS still seems to be here for another year!

News crumbs is where we briefly note stories that may have some interest to webOS users. In light of the season, this one will be a little ‘fatter’. Let’s talk turkey.

  • The start of this month saw the arrival of a new app for webOS. The occasional app still appears along with the various fixes and patches that keep the system running despite the time that has passed since any official, corporate support from it’s creators. These gifts are usually unexpected, so pleasant surprises. DianBao, a client for the Telegram messaging service, may have brought an additional gift. Singaporean developer and forum member, ‘mrrekcuf’ originally created the app as a prize-winning entry for a competition to make a Blackberry 10 app. To port it to Legacy webOS has also meant porting the Qt5 cross-platform application framework. It is this up to date version that has allowed many of the new features of LuneOS, including a modern browser. It remains to be seen if this development will lead anywhere, but if one thing could bring yet another lease of life to Legacy webOS, a new browser would be it. Comment thread.
  • At webOS Ports, the build servers will be down for the last few days of 2016. Don’t panic! It is only for maintenance and upgrades. LuneOS developers take note.
  • For those developing apps for LG webOS televisions, note that LG’s developer website will also be shut down just after Christmas. Again, it is merely to allow for a new, improved site! Here’s the announcement. From the 27th the new web address will be:
  • Over the years, webOS enthusiasts have experienced highs and lows from the Consumer Electronics Show. At this time of year we look to the start of January to see what items of interest may be exhibited in Las Vegas. One such item is the LG Probeam laser projector. While only a slight step to a new product category, this at least shows LG’s continuing commitment to webOS in their audio / visual products. Comment thread.
  • News that may be of interest to Palm fans is that TCL / Alcatel has signed a license deal with Blackberry to produce phones (the last couple of BB phones were rebranded TCL models). New products may well be exhibited at CES next month. Notable for us was TCL’s purchase of the ‘Palm’ brand almost two years ago. Since that announcement, there has only been silence… Comment thread.
  • Another gift! This time it is for PalmOS users. Games company, Astraware have published the registration codes of games for PalmOS and other old systems. You will need to dig out the apps from your archive (or get them by other means), but you can now activate them on new or reset devices. Comment thread.
  • Remember Classic? It was the PalmOS emulator you could use to run old Palm apps on webOS. Those who follow us on Twitter, may have noticed a few retweets when former editor of webOS Nation, Dieter Bohn announced a redesign of his current site, The Verge. He rashly promised a sticker for the first screen shot of the site on a Palm Pre. Alan Morford is not one to do things by halves.

That’s it for now. See you in the new year with an announcement about pivotCE.

Report: Bethesda Meetup

The traffic sucked all the way there but NDrive on Marc’s Pre3 got us there all the same. It took us through the city instead of around and it was a busy Saturday night so traffic was really bad.

Pi Pizza was delicious as always.

In the picture is Marc, then Gary, then Atif and I took the photo. I took the photo with my Yotaphone 2 mostly to show up the EPD screen and how it winks at you when it takes a picture but also to catalog the attendees.

Gary wanted to know all of our Palm stories. Marc’s was the shortest with only coming over to webOS and the Veer. Gary’s and Atif’s were a bit more storied and mine I think is known at least to our readers.

Marc passed around the Windsornot and a TS2. I passed around my 64GB Go and Palm branded Veer (which I was “driving” that day).

The Windsornot was of course a highlight and a low point. Atif captured the mood well in his forum post.

Marc sells a ton of Veers. He has quite the collection of Veer parts. He brought 4, “seen better days” Veers and gave them away as party gifts. Nice guy.

Gary drove from New Jersey. Atif came from New York. Marc flew to visit me from Chicago and I planned the meetup since he was going to be here. That started the whole idea anyway.

News Crumbs – 18th November 2016

Uh, the toaster needs another clean. Let’s shake it before those crumbs are too stale or burnt!

  • webOS developer, Choorp either loves twitter or is frightened of it (actually, both is probably normal). He made this based on the logo of premier webOS twitter app, Project Macaw. We salute developer, Penduin for developing an app that only gets used once a year.
  • Slashgear reports that TV’s running LGwebOS 3.0 now have online payment support for shopping & in-app payments. Set those parental controls!
  • TechnoBuffalo is the latest Tech blog looking wistfully back. Are we the only one looking to the future of mobile webOS?
  • You want webOS merchandise? Improvise!
  • Former Palm employee, Lisa Brewster demonstrates what to do if you find yourself in the wild without a toaster.

I don’t know about you, but for me, it’s time for teacakes. See you next time!