I’ve read it before and said it myself. The webOS browser isn’t what it used to be. But what’s to blame? Is it old webOS browser programming? Outdated webkit? Slower processors? Smaller amounts of RAM? Well, it could be all of that but modern web practices aren’t helping things. And that’s a problem for web-OS.
The video below isn’t exactly new. In fact, it appeared in December 2011 on The Verge as part of a story on HP’s proposed rebranding concept. A rebranding concept which only now is starting to see the light of day with HP’s new Envy line of laptops. That’s the new logo above. The Verge has resurfaced the video and tells the tale of HP’s rebranding.
Still rocking that HP TouchPad with webOS? Me too. Love exhibition mode? I bet. Good news! Under Cloud Games developer (aka webOS Forums user, QILLER) has released an update to Flixi.
Flixi is an exhibition mode app that combines the best of multitasking and widgets into a nice looking and customizable interface.
The latest update to Flixi includes a repair of the weather widget.