Here’s the scenario: you’ve dug out your Pre or TouchPad and for nostalgia sake try to set it up only to find that things are a bit tougher to get working. I feel ya. This guide aims to help some of that frustration as it relates to Google Synergy.
All posts by Alan Morford
Rare webOS Devices, Episode 2
In the beginning, there was a Treo XXX. No, not a hardcore Treo. It was a prototype Treo 800. Palm employees called it Zeppelin (CDMA) and Floyd (GSM) or Zepfloyd for short. It was the canvas for a pre-webOS operating system with a UI dubbed Prima. Prima wasn’t good and was scrapped for Luna and webOS was born.
Rare webOS Devices, Episode 1
I received a bunch of cool stuff. Here's a Sprint Pre with a clear bezel running Nova Main based on #webOS 2.x
— Alan Morford (@alan_morford) June 12, 2016
I recently got my grubby little hands on some rare webOS stuff. In a few episodes or so, I’ll chronicle what I received. Let’s start!
Rare webOS goodies spotted in drool-worthy photo
Former HP/Palm devrel member, Lisa Brewster (@Adora), posted this awesome webOS collection photo on her Twitter yesterday in commemoration of webOS’ 7th birthday. Several things in this photo are eye-catching to say the least! Go ahead…click the picture!
Ok, are you seeing what I’m seeing? Let’s start with the most rare and work from there.
Continue reading Rare webOS goodies spotted in drool-worthy photo
Instagrio hit by Instagram’s API Change, Now in ‘Sandbox Mode’
I don’t like reporting on broken webOS apps. Nope. But here’s another. This time ‘Instagrio‘, the Instagram view-only app, has been disabled by Instagram themselves. The jerks!
Continue reading Instagrio hit by Instagram’s API Change, Now in ‘Sandbox Mode’