If you’ve been incessantly hitting refresh on your web browser trying to get webos-ports.org and/or webos-internals.org to load, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, they may not come back online any time soon.
By now you’ve likely read about the 6000+ webOS apps we’ve managed to put together. The files are on my Box account and the link was shared A LOT. This was great but had its flaws. For instance, you can’t download the entire thing. It’s a limitation from Box. That problem has been solved as there is now a public ftp! We told you it was coming.
A public ftp solution is coming for the 6000+ #webOS app rescue effort. More details soon!
We’ve seen the HP Touchstone 2 before. It’s popped up on eBay, the webOS Nation forums and even Craigslist in the Silicon Valley area. But have you seen a functionality test? You will.
UPDATE: Well, it turns out I didn’t do my research properly. The P100UNA was the Telcel Palm Pre. I got pretty excited there for a minute, didn’t I? It’s still unique in that this is a marked pre-production unit with no back-mirror branding and has an AT&T configuration.
@alan_morford hey just want to let you know… P100UNA is not an AT&T Pre. It's a production device, the Telcel Pre.
In this the third episode of rare webOS devices, I take a look at a protoype Pre 3 and the never-before-seen P100UNA also known as the AT&T Telcel Palm Pre.