The team is growing and LuneOS is improving. We’ve made significant progress this month. We do our best to get a new release out near the first of every month. The holidays put us a week behind but allow us to introduce the latest build, Breve.
- Initial support for IM and SMS messaging
- Mobile data usage is now functional but needs an unlocked SIM card and be manually enabled through the settings app
- Extended dashboard support
- Location service with WiFi based position source only (using Mozilla’s location service; see
- Charger status on Nexus 4 is now correctly detected
- Improved image quality in some apps and the card shell
- Screen recording support (see for details)
- Backend support for MMS messages but not yet integrated with LuneOS services
- Several metadata cleanups
Build notes
Meta-webos-ports repository now contains 2 layers:
meta-luneui – minimal set of recipes needed to build luna-next (later
will had some minimal image as well)
meta-luneos – everything else needed to build our current images and OE distro definition
The OE distro was renamed from webos to luneos to continue with our re-branding. You need to do 1 manual step next time you call “make update”:
sed -i ‘s/DISTRO=”webos”/DISTRO=”luneos“/g’ luneos-*/webos-ports/setup-local and export DISTRO=”luneos” if you’ve already sourced setup-env.
Also, starting now all images are called luneos-* instead of webos-ports-*. Update your shell aliases accordingly.
The usual
1. Sign up for the bug tracker
2. Get involved and
Feel free to download the updated builds to get started. Tenderloin and Mako remain our focus for now and the emulator works too.
Installation instructions for TouchPad (Tenderloin) and Nexus 4 (Mako) are on the wiki. And remember we don’t do timelines.
See you next month! We’re getting closer and closer to being able to use LuneOS as a daily driver.
Don’t forget to contact us with any questions and feel free to join the discussion on the webOS Nation forums. Also, continue spreading the word! #LuneOS
We are proud to announce the newest stable build of #LuneOS named Breve. Lots of improvements. Read the release
RT @webosports: We are proud to announce the newest stable build of #LuneOS named Breve. Lots of improvements. Read the release…
RT @webosports: We are proud to announce the newest stable build of #LuneOS named Breve. Lots of improvements. Read the release…
RT @pivotCE: Latest #LuneOS stable build: Breve. Get it now!!!
RT @webosports: We are proud to announce the newest stable build of #LuneOS named Breve. Lots of improvements. Read the release…
RT @pivotCE: Latest #LuneOS stable build: Breve. Get it now!!!
RT @webosports: We are proud to announce the newest stable build of #LuneOS named Breve. Lots of improvements. Read the release…
RT @webosports: We are proud to announce the newest stable build of #LuneOS named Breve. Lots of improvements. Read the release…
Dominik Telkesi liked this on Facebook.
Brett Edmond Carlock liked this on Facebook.
RT @webosports: We are proud to announce the newest stable build of #LuneOS named Breve. Lots of improvements. Read the release…
RT @webosports: We are proud to announce the newest stable build of #LuneOS named Breve. Lots of improvements. Read the release…
RT @webosports: We are proud to announce the newest stable build of #LuneOS named Breve. Lots of improvements. Read the release…
RT @pivotCE: Latest #LuneOS stable build: Breve. Get it now!!!
RT @webosports: We are proud to announce the newest stable build of #LuneOS named Breve. Lots of improvements. Read the release…
RT @webosports: We are proud to announce the newest stable build of #LuneOS named Breve. Lots of improvements. Read the release…
RT @pivotCE: Latest #LuneOS stable build: Breve. Get it now!!!
Frank Ross liked this on Facebook.
RT @webosports: We are proud to announce the newest stable build of #LuneOS named Breve. Lots of improvements. Read the release…
RT @webosports: We are proud to announce the newest stable build of #LuneOS named Breve. Lots of improvements. Read the release…
RT @webosports: We are proud to announce the newest stable build of #LuneOS named Breve. Lots of improvements. Read the release…
RT @webosports: We are proud to announce the newest stable build of #LuneOS named Breve. Lots of improvements. Read the release…
Joey Quiniano liked this on Facebook.
RT @webosports: We are proud to announce the newest stable build of #LuneOS named Breve. Lots of improvements. Read the release…
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Mats Törnqvist liked this on Facebook.
I completely removed webOS since ACL ruined it an I was unable to did it via doctoring it. In running android on it with the media data share. Is it possible to install luneOS as a clean install ? I’m willing to remove Android to do it.
RT @webosports: We are proud to announce the newest stable build of #LuneOS named Breve. Lots of improvements. Read the release…
RT @webosports: We are proud to announce the newest stable build of #LuneOS named Breve. Lots of improvements. Read the release…
Bjoern Sjut liked this on Facebook.