Foxcasts on webOS

Foxcasts app for LuneOS

Former webOS developer, Garret Downs did much good work for the community until bowing out just over two years ago.

Now he’s back with a new app for LuneOS! Originally developed for FirefoxOS, Foxcasts is a podcast app.

At this point, support extends only to audio streaming from the itunes library, with plans to add downloading and video in the future. The type of database used is unsupported on legacy webOS, so this app is for LuneOS only. Podcast options for webOS are of course already available.

Until he has a device for LuneOS, Garret is testing in the emulator and wants your help. If you are one of those taking the trouble to test the development of the LuneOS development builds, give it a spin and offer your feedback.

More information is on the forum thread.