Tag Archives: Touchpad

LuneOS Browser: How to sideload Flash & WideVine plugins (Netflix, Amazon, YouTube Red)

Since the most recent release of LuneOS called “Decaf” which includes Qt 5.9.2, support for 3rd party browser plugins (such as Adobe Flash and Google’s WideVine CDM) has been added to the Browser App and has been enabled by default.

However the source code of these plugin binaries is not available and therefore these binaries cannot be compiled and provided in the LuneOS images.

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Report: Bethesda Meetup

The traffic sucked all the way there but NDrive on Marc’s Pre3 got us there all the same. It took us through the city instead of around and it was a busy Saturday night so traffic was really bad.

Pi Pizza was delicious as always.

In the picture is Marc, then Gary, then Atif and I took the photo. I took the photo with my Yotaphone 2 mostly to show up the EPD screen and how it winks at you when it takes a picture but also to catalog the attendees.

Gary wanted to know all of our Palm stories. Marc’s was the shortest with only coming over to webOS and the Veer. Gary’s and Atif’s were a bit more storied and mine I think is known at least to our readers.

Marc passed around the Windsornot and a TS2. I passed around my 64GB Go and Palm branded Veer (which I was “driving” that day).

The Windsornot was of course a highlight and a low point. Atif captured the mood well in his forum post.

Marc sells a ton of Veers. He has quite the collection of Veer parts. He brought 4, “seen better days” Veers and gave them away as party gifts. Nice guy.

Gary drove from New Jersey. Atif came from New York. Marc flew to visit me from Chicago and I planned the meetup since he was going to be here. That started the whole idea anyway.