Category Archives: News

This should be used for general news where the other categories do not apply. One category per article!

LuneOS Browser: How to sideload Flash & WideVine plugins (Netflix, Amazon, YouTube Red)

Since the most recent release of LuneOS called “Decaf” which includes Qt 5.9.2, support for 3rd party browser plugins (such as Adobe Flash and Google’s WideVine CDM) has been added to the Browser App and has been enabled by default.

However the source code of these plugin binaries is not available and therefore these binaries cannot be compiled and provided in the LuneOS images.

Continue reading LuneOS Browser: How to sideload Flash & WideVine plugins (Netflix, Amazon, YouTube Red)

LuneOS Update for May

No release this month folks!

We’re in the middle of a major upgrade op the underlying Yocto project from Krogoth (2.1) right ambox_warning_blue_construction-svgaway to Pyro (2.3) while skipping Morty (2.2) which means we need to update all our kernels to at least 3.4 in order to be able to use the latest upgrades to systemd and glibc.  So far this has been successful for the Nexus 4 (Mako), Nexus 5 (Hammerhead) and we’re now in the process of doing the same for the Touchpad (4G) (Tenderloin). All these targets have a 3.4 kernel available, so the process is relatively straight forward.

However it seems that the Galaxy Nexus (Maguro) doesn’t have a working 3.4 kernel available (only 3.0) and it’s therefore likely we’ll be forced to drop support for the Galaxy Nexus going forward.

Continue reading LuneOS Update for May