All posts by webosports

Next LuneOS stable release available: Antoccino

Without further delay, you can find the newest LuneOS stable builds here.  This release is code-named Antoccino and is the second stable release following our initial release named Affogato. Yes, there are other devices in the build folder which are available, however, the Nexus 4 and HP TouchPad are still the only two devices officially supported at this time. Test the other builds AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Please note that the installation instructions for the TouchPad have changed.  You must recreate the partition LuneOS requires for installation. We recommend using the webOS app, Tailor, because it is the easiest method. This is in preparation for a forthcoming semi-automated installation procedure. We’ll discuss those details when the product is ready for testing but for now just follow the guide.

We’ve made quite a few changes and will release the full changelog soon you can read the major ones here.

As a reminder, there are three things we need and want from you as a tester:

1. Sign up for the bug tracker

2. Get involved and

3. Join the mailing list

Don’t forget to contact us with any questions and feel free to join the discussion on the webOS Nation forums. Also, continue spreading the word!


webOS Ports: Help Wanted

The webOS community may be a bit smaller these days but it’s no less devoted to the platform. And it’s that community that is rallying behind us here at webOS Ports.  Thanks to your direct support, our team has grown from just 5 members at release to over 12 with more on the way. As you can imagine, leading up to the initial release the team was a bit overwhelmed with the details of creating an entire operating system.  Now that we have a few more folks directly developing for LuneOS, things are starting to come together. But we still need your help.

Continue reading webOS Ports: Help Wanted

Official Release of LuneOS and Project Updates

blue-white-sphere-text_1It’s been a long while since we announced our Alpha 2 release back in June of 2013, but today after months of very hard work the webOS Ports team are very proud and happy to provide our latest release to the community now named “LuneOS”.

The first eye catching change is the new name we’ll be using for our project going forward. The distribution will be called “LuneOS” instead of “WebOS Ports Open webOS” because it wasn’t very catchy and we felt it important to specify we are separate from Open webOS which is it’s own project from HP and now LG. Lune is the French translation of moon and refers to the user interface we all love so much in legacy webOS, LunaSysMgr, which is named after the Latin/Spanish translation of moon.

Continue reading Official Release of LuneOS and Project Updates