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Día de los Muertos: webOS

Day of the Dead Skulls

Image: stereogab

Welcome! To our Spanish speaking friends: ¡Bienvenido!

Tonight is All Hallows Eve, known colloquially as Halloween. It is traditionally a night when supernatural spirits, spectres and ghosts emerge. The dead walk among us and we show them some respect.

In Mexico, they have the Day of the Dead: A festival that features decorative skulls like those pictured above.

There was a server hiccup yesterday, showing that every little crisis for webOS comes with… another little crisis! But it also seems that one way or another things start working again. The servers are now functioning properly and today is your last chance to buy apps from the HP app catalogue.

So go ahead and celebrate our zombie OS with a download spree! Try everything you ever wondered about and spend some money on those developers who have supplied us with cool apps over the years.

There are so many great apps in the catalogue that’s it’s very difficult to pick out recomendations, not least because this would be the longest post ever! However, if you plan to continue with webOS, this your chance to put some money on the table for services you are almost certainly already using and will need in the future. Here are two documentation apps:
WOSQI Homebrew Guide, Preware Homebrew Documentation

Developers: Remember, if you move your apps to the webOS Nation App Gallery, Preware or other available channel, you’ll be added to a linked list we will publish near Christmas. Post here if you wish to be included.

Does tonight mark the beginning of the end for webOS? Will the zombie finally cease it’s stagger through the mobile landscape? It seems to be what most other tech sites are reporting – as if the HP servers were the only cloud service available. Well, some users have been doing fine without them for years, so clearly the answer is no.

Of course it remains to be seen how these projects will develop and aside from cloud services, there are items like support and developer sites whose future is unclear. For now, make your final purchases. Tomorrow will be a chance to wake up, smell the latest type of coffee and realise that tonight was just a scary dream and the sun is rising on a new dawn.

Thanks to George Mari for suggesting this article.

Picture credit: stereogab

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