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Two weeks with LuneOS: An app sideload test

Here we are two weeks into the LuneOS initial release and I find myself staring at the install on my HP TouchPad wanting it to do more.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m patient enough to wait for a functioning OS of core app integration.  And I’m not in a hurry for all of the “I wish it had <app name>” whining.

Although, since LuneOS supports Enyo apps, isn’t it possible that it could run current webOS apps built from the technology?  I set out to find out.  Read on for the results.

Finding some apps to test

I was able to backup all of my apps some time ago using the donotdelete IPK patch from webOS Nations forums user, GMMan. So I just browsed through my collection looking for Enyo apps and here’s what I found:
1. Apollo 1.2.5
2. ACL Documentation 1.3.2
3. Neato 2.0.0
4. Shortcut Launcher 2.0.2
5. QuickChat for Facebook 1.0.11
6. HP App Catalog 5.0.3500
7. USA Today 1.2.0
8. Just Draw 1.2.0
9. Communities 1.0.8
10. Project Macaw (enyo) 2.2.12
11. Box for TouchPad 1.0.21
12. Facebook Tablet 2.0.35
13. Maps (Bing) 3.1.32
14. FeedSpider (enyo) 2.0.0


Now that I had some apps to test I needed to get the .ipk files onto my TouchPad.  Uh, wait…plugging in the USB cable to my laptop netted me a media device called TouchPad but when I open it there’s nothing there.  Copying over files results in an error message.  Well poo.  Oh yeah!  LuneOS uses a certain amount of Android “magic” soooo in command line on my PC I tried:

adb push nameofmyapp.ipk /media/internal/downloads

Success! I then opened up Preware, hit the menu, clicked Install Package, browsed for and selected the file, and hit Install.

I’ll note here that installation always worked but some apps caused Luna-Next to restart. Despite the glitch the app always installed. Also, the Preware success dialog still sports a back button which isn’t necessary since the gesture area is there and the spinning “working” symbol never quits. Just minor issues for now.

For the results, I divided them into 3 categories: Fully Functional, Partially Functional, and Non-functional.


As I mentioned, every app installed fine but this category means the app won’t open.  Those apps were the HP App Catalog (duh no surprises there), Communities, and Facebook Tablet. Facebook disappointed me since it’s such a great example of what an enyo app can look like and do but no dice.  Communities has been broken for a while anyway so even if it had opened it wouldn’t be very usable. Bummer.

Partially Functional

This category is a bit wider in interpretation but essentially if tapping on the app icon gained a card, that was enough for me to say it at least did something. This means that the app opens or you can tap, move, or manipulate the UI in some way. Those apps were Apollo, Maps, ACL Documentation, Just Draw, QuickChat for Facebook, Shortcut Launcher, Box for TouchPad, USA Today, FeedSpider, and Project Macaw.

Fully Functional

That leaves Neato! Neato opened, logged in, and not only could successfully send text or URLs to my webOS devices and browser but if you sent a message to the TouchPad, Neato would display the page! Cool!

This is what I’ve done with LuneOS over the last 2 weeks. Do you have an Enyo app I didn’t try? Let me know your results in the comments below.


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