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UPDATE: Now DEAD – Google to Kill YouTube Access for Older Apps

UPDATE: It’s dead! 🙁 The mobile site works though. Unless this is patched, the mobile site is the only recourse we’ll have on webOS phones for YouTube access. The TouchPad can of course still view the full website. Some users are reporting it still works for them so it appears to be regional as the shutdown implementation goes into effect.

The Verge reports that Google is to kill off older YouTube Apps at the end of April. This will affect webOS users, unfortunately.

First Facebook, then cloud services, and now YouTube. LEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! >:(

You’ll likely remember that YouTube access (read search and quality) was patched in late 2013. That was a relatively easy fix but this is an API change. It will suffer much the same fate as before but is likely to be as permanent as our Facebook woes.

I confirmed this last night by opening up the app on my Pre and doing a quick search. I also found Google’s post about it. Looks like their partners are safe for now. Too bad we’re not one of them. My search on the Pre revealed the same video at the top of each search. You can see it in the photo to the right.

That video says, “say goodbye to this app because it will die soon”. I may have paraphrased a bit. You can watch the video below.



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