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Next LuneOS Stable Release Available: Black Tie

Black Tie is a traditional Thai iced tea with a good bit of spice for kick. Today’s Black Tie LuneOS release has the traditional look and feel of webOS with a good dose of modern software technology for a kick!

We try to get the releases out on the first of each month but we had some pretty big hiccups to overcome this time. Sorry for the delay but hey, all good things to those who wait, right? Besides, we don’t do timelines anyway! Read on for what changed and for the links, of course. 🙂

Black Tie Changelog

WOSQI Update

Jason Robatialle has updated webOS Quick Install to version 4.6.0. The new revision includes support for ADB connections for use with LuneOS. Check it out.

Disclaimers, Important Stuff, and Links

All of the same disclaimers from previous releases are still true.

Make sure you familiarize yourself with them and then download the updated builds to get started. Tenderloin and Mako remain our focus for now and the emulator works too. Other builds are there but won’t boot.

Installation instructions for TouchPad (Tenderloin) and Nexus 4 (Mako) are on the wiki.

We’re hiring more folks and still looking for more join our team.

We do have rules for testing LuneOS. In short, join the mailing list and report bugs, please. It only makes LuneOS better. Thanks!

Talk about the release here!

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