A lot of the buzz this year has been around the Application Compatibility Layer for the Touchpad which enables Android apps to run under webOS. It is hopefully close to official release and there is a possibility that if it is successful, the Pre3 may be its next destination. But until then, let’s say hello to our friends in the Russian Federation – particulary Nikolay Nizov. Would you like Android in a card on your Pre3?
Back in January, he put out a video of an early attempt to put Android (CM7/9) on webOS. From the Russian language, webOS-forums.ru, reposted to webOS Nation, it appears his work has come to fruition. He now plans to write a guide and translate it to English. If you can speak Russian, perhaps you’d like to offer assistance with the translation. If you’re a coder, the code can be found here: https://github.com/nizovn.
With ACL for webOS due for the Touchpad, it would be interesting to compare and contrast this effort. We will keep watching and if anyone wants to try it and report back, let us know about your experience.