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Indie Spirit

If you’re reading this you already know. You’ve installed Preware on your TouchPad, you have Tweaks and you aren’t afraid to use them! You know the joys of modding your tablet and getting it customized just the way you like…

You also know the dark side of webOS. You have friends or relatives who give you an odd look when you start to talk about how much you love webOS: how easy it is to use, all the great ways webOS makes multitasking painless and simple, the fact that no other OS does it half so well for you…

You read the forums and tech news. You know all the naysayers proclaim webOS as a dead end. They say it failed…

But you don’t care. That’s why you’re still here. That’s why you’re reading this now…

You’re going your own way, bucking the trends. If it ain’t broke, why replace it? You are keeping webOS alive. It’s not dead. Don’t let anyone tell you it is. It’s alive so long as one of you out there is using it. More importantly, you’re not alone. There is a whole community of users and they are still making changes and improvements to webOS. Independent advancements happen on webOS with startling regularity. Open Source may only be in the pipeline – still waiting for release on a device, but Legacy webOS just keeps rocking onward.

You already know, though. You read the forums. You see the new advances and better ways of using the old tools that are still happening every week, every day. You see that there are new users still coming in. They told them the doors were closed, but this is the after-party. We’re still rockin’ and others want in too.

HP killed the Pivot when they pulled the plug. But now, thanks to pattyland, we have a new Pivot. One that’s ready to take off, ready to drive that webOS beat on into the future. An Indie Rock Anthem for you to groove to. That’s what you love about webOS. That’s why you’re still here. You’re filled with the Indie Spirit that lies at the heart of webOS. Rock on.

Cheers, R

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